2 More Days

Can you believe Wednesday is my last day on the Whole30? Thursday starts the reintroductions.  I’m going to do dairy first (I miss cream in my coffee). Then I’ll try non-gluten grains like corn (I like tostitos).  The other thing I’m going to eat is chocolate.  Hopefully my palette has changed enough that 60% or 75% cacao is good enough.

On Sunday I put some pork in the crock pot and made some lovely pulled pork.  Tonight I made some plaintain mash that I topped with some of the shredded pork.  Recipe here.  When I cooked the plantains I added some cinnamon and when it was finished and all mashed up (with some coconut milk) it tasted like banana bread! It was so good!! I’ll eat it with my breakfast tomorrow and it will be lovely!

A note about the plantain mash – it didn’t mash up like I thought it would.  I had to add more coconut milk than the recipe called for to make it smooth, and even then it wasn’t smooth like mashed potatoes or cauliflower.  It was thick.  And delish.

Dinner was fast because the pork was already made so I whipped up a breakfast lasagna.  Recipe here. I can’t speak to how it tastes because I haven’t had it yet but I can let you know. If you’re interested.

I calculated what we spent on food for January and it was shocking!  We went 3x over what I had budgeted!!  I have to remind myself that cheap food is cheap for a reason and we are investing in our bodies.  As a wise woman once told me: pay for the grocery’s now or pay for the doctor later.  It’s all where your priorities are.  Mine are on food and sleep.  I want to make running more of a priority.  And reading the Bible.

On a different note: What’s up with the snow/ice coming around 8:00 this morning? Doesn’t it know it needs to start at like 4:00 am!

On another note: Alias is an awesome show! Hubs and I are so addicted! Thank goodness for Netflix, all the seasons in one place, and no commercials.

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